dog, Fibroadenoma Mammae, surgeryAbstract
Fibroadenoma mammae is a tumor that is formed from a mixture of fibrous and glandular tissue, usually known as a type of benign tumor that grows on mammae. The aim of this study is to report case management fibroadenoma in rottweiler dogs. A Rottweiler dog eight-year-old with a body weight of 24 kg, female sex with a lump in the left (sinistra) second mammary gland. A physical and clinical examination of the dog showed a healthy dog with a good appetite and drink, normal defecation and urination. Routine hematological examination showed an increase in MCV (Mean Corpuscular Volume) and a decrease in MCHC (Mean Corpuscular Hemoglobin Concentration), but not very significant. The results of histopathological examination of tumor tissue samples, the dog was diagnosed with fibroadenoma mammae with a fausta prognosis. Dogs are handled by performing surgery (excision) with the method of mastectomy (regional) to remove the tumor mass and give the antibiotics cefotaxim, cefixime with anti-inflammatory meloxicam, topical drugs such as Enbatic® and hematodin. After surgical removal of the tumor mass and administration of post-operative therapy, the case dog was declared cured with the surgical wound dry and fused on the fourteenth day. Handling fibroadenoma mammae it must be done as quickly as possible to prevent the tumor from metastasizing to other parts of the body.