dog, parvovirus, kintamaniAbstract
Canine Parvovirus disease is caused by the Parvo virus which belongs to the Parvoviridae family. Clinical signs shown by the dog appear weak, no appetite, vomiting and visible diarrhea mixed with blood with a distinctive smell. The aim of this study was to discuss about parvo virus infection in Kintamani dog. An attack was made on a Kintamani dog named Hiro, aged 2 months and 11 days, who had fever, vomiting, brown diarrhea, refused to eat and drink. On auscultatory examination of the abdomen, the sound of increased intestinal peristalsis was heard and when palpation the abdomen felt hot. The parvo test kit showed positive results for dogs infected with Canine Parvovirus. Based on anamnesis, clinical signs and laboratory examination, a case dog named Hiro was diagnosed with CPV. Handling of case animals was carried out by administering electrolyte fluid therapy in the form of Ringer's Lactat, Cefotaxime 25 mg/kg BW, Metoclopramide 0.5 mg/kg BW, Kaolin-pectin (Guanistrep) 0.4 ml orally and giving multivitamins. On the fourth day the case dog's condition got better and on the sixth day the dog was declared cured and was allowed to go home. To prevent parvovirus transmission, it is recommended to carry out complete vaccination and deworming of dogs under 3 months of age.