Jurnal Riset dan Aplikasi Teknik Industri https://ejournal1.unud.ac.id/index.php/jrati <p>Jurnal Riset dan Aplikasi Teknik Industri merupakan jurnal nasional yang mengangkat tulisan-tulisan penelitian dalam disiplin ilmu Teknik Industri. Terbit di tahun 2022 dengan frekuensi penerbitan sebanyak 3 kali dalam setahun yaitu pada bulan April, Agustus, dan Desember. Penerimaan naskah paling lambat 1 bulan sebelum bulan penerbitan atau akan diterbitkan di periode berikutnya.</p> <p>Jurnal Riset dan Aplikasi Teknik Industri dikelola oleh Program Studi Teknik Industri Udayana. Artikel yang diterima akan diperiksa oleh Editor in Chief untuk selanjutnya direview oleh minimal dua reviewers untuk dinilai substansi kelayakan dan teknis kelayakannya dengan sistem <em>double blind review</em>.</p> Program Studi Teknik Industri, Universitas Udayana en-US Jurnal Riset dan Aplikasi Teknik Industri 3026-0310 ANALISIS RISIKO ERGONOMI PADA ACCOUNTING UNIT CV. PELANGI REX’S MENGGUNAKAN SNI 9011:2021 https://ejournal1.unud.ac.id/index.php/jrati/article/view/324 <p>Musculosceletal disorders are the biggest problem for office workers. Ergonomics assessment in the workplace is very important because the potential for health problems in workers can be minimized. SNI 9011:2021 is a method for conducting ergonomics assessments in the workplace and can be used as a national reference in assessing the level of ergonomic risk. The problem was found in the accounting unit workers at CV. Pelangi Rex’s, where the working posture that looks very unergonomic and doesn’t fit the theory of working ergonomically so it needs to be observed further. The purpose of this study was to analyze the level of ergonomic risk in accounting unit workers at CV. Pelangi Rex’s. The sample technique uses a saturated sample technique with a sample count of 8 peoples. Ergonomic risk measurement using SNI 9011:2021. Data analysis using the Spearman Rank test. The results of the statistical test showed that p value = 0,029 and (r) value is 0,76. Result of the study, namely that workers experience pain or pain in almost all limbs, except for the right and left thighs, right and left calves, and right and left legs; potential ergonomic hazards were obtained by as many as 5 workers in the category of need to be further observed and 3 other workers in the hazardous category; and there is a link between potential ergonomic hazards and musculoskeletal complaints and having a strong relationship strength.</p> Dewa Ngurah Mahaswara Putera, I Made Dwi Budiana Penindra, Ni Made Cyntia Utami, Anak Agung Istri Agung Sri Komaladewi, I Gusti Agung Kade Suriadi, Ni Luh Putu Lilis Sinta Setiawati Copyright (c) 2023 2023-08-10 2023-08-10 1 01, Agustus 1 8 PENGUKURAN KINERJA DENGAN METODE BALANCED SCORECARD PADA BENOA MARITIME INDONESIA https://ejournal1.unud.ac.id/index.php/jrati/article/view/325 <p>Performance measurement is an important thing that must be done by the company to evaluate and determine the level of success of the implemented strategy. There are companies that have never carried out performance measurements, one of which is Benoa Maritime Indonesia, so the company does not yet know how successful the strategy has been. The purpose of this study was to determine the performance of Benoa Maritime Indonesia based on measurements using the balanced scorecard method. The use of the balanced scorecard method in this study to emphasize the balance of assessment between various indicators, not only measures from one perspective but four perspectives in several financial perspectives, customer perspectives, internal business process perspectives, as well as learning and growth perspectives. In each balanced scorecard perspective there are different measurement indicators. The indicators used to measure the performance of Benoa Maritime Indonesia in this study are: 1) profit growth and return on assets (ROA) from a financial perspective, 2) customer acquisition and customer satisfaction from a customer perspective, 3) innovation process from an internal business process perspective, and 4) employee turnover, employee productivity, and employee satisfaction in the perspective of learning and growth. Based on the results of performance measurement in 2021 – 2022 at Benoa <br>Maritime Indonesia, profit growth and ROA score -1 which indicates poor performance. In the innovation process, a score of 0 is included in the sufficient category. On customer acquisition, customer satisfaction, employee turnover, employee productivity, and employee satisfaction get a score of 1 which is included in the good category. Using the balanced scorecard method, an average score of 0.375 is obtained which indicates that Benoa Maritime Indonesia's performance is in the fairly good category.</p> I Made Sandi Koriada, I Made Dwi Budiana Penindra, Ni Luh Putu Lilis Sinta Setiawati, Anak Agung Istri Agung Sri Komaladewi, I Gusti Agung Kade Suriadi, Ni Made Cyntia Utami Copyright (c) 2023 2023-08-10 2023-08-10 1 01, Agustus 9 15 ANALISIS PENGENDALIAN KUALITAS PAVING MENGGUNAKAN METODE SIX SIGMA PADA CV MTU https://ejournal1.unud.ac.id/index.php/jrati/article/view/326 <p>This study aims to determine the quality of brick model paving products at CV MTU with the six sigma method and the causes of defects in paving products at CV MTU. The data used in this study are primary data and secondary data related to the production process of paving brick models sourced from the company and from the literature. Primary data obtained through direct observation and interviews with parties involved in the production process. Secondary data was obtained from documents and reports related to the paving production process. The production data used is data for six months of production from July 2022 to December 2022. This research uses the DMAIC (Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve, Control) approach. The results of this study indicate that the level of quality control at CV</p> I Gede Ekasatmika Prabaswara,Mia Juliana, Bryan Estavan Imanuel Sitanggang Copyright (c) 2023 2023-08-10 2023-08-10 1 01, Agustus 16 21 IMPLEMENTASI COLLABORATIVE ROBOTS ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE PADA OTOMATISASI INSPEKSI KENDARAAN UNTUK MENINGKATKAN KINERJA https://ejournal1.unud.ac.id/index.php/jrati/article/view/327 <p>High competition in the automotive industry requires companies to innovate in order to compete and increase productivity. The Toyota Production System method is a method that can be used to increase work productivity, especially in eliminating waste. There are several processes in the automotive industry, one of which is quality control, which checks and ensures that the goods received by consumers do not have zero defects. During the quality control process, there was work that was not ergonomic which was assessed using the rapid entire body assessment method and received a high score which ergonomically can cause musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs), so improvements need to be made, namely in POS FWA Lower. In this study, collaborative robots are used along with payload cameras and artificial intelligence to replace human work so that work can be eliminated. Apart from that, in this POS, there is an idle time of 45 seconds because there is a working machine, but if use collaborative robots, this idle time can be eliminated to increase productivity. The results show that implementing cobot AI can significantly increase productivity and efficiency in the quality control process by increasing total work time performance by 1.76 times, Reba score performance by 11 times, and idle time performance by 45 times, as well as the accuracy of the AI model gets an accuracy value of 99.1%.</p> I Kadek Agus Hendriawan Putra, I Wayan Bandem Adnyana, Desak Ayu Sista Dewi, Anak Agung Istri Agung Sri Komaladewi, I Made Dwi Budiana Penindra, Ni Luh Putu Lilis Sinta Setiawati Copyright (c) 2023 2023-08-10 2023-08-10 1 01, Agustus 22 28 PENGGUNAAN METODE SUPPLY CHAIN OPERATION REFERENCE (SCOR) UNTUK MENGUKUR KINERJA DI PERUSAHAAN XYZ https://ejournal1.unud.ac.id/index.php/jrati/article/view/328 <p>XYZ company is one of the companies engaged in the chicken farming industry. From the results of observations that have been made, the company has never carried out performance measurements so it is necessary to measure the performance of Supply Chain <br>Management. This measurement will later be used as a basis for improvement to improve Supply Chain Management performance by identifying which indicators are used to measure performance. Supply Chain Management performance measurement is carried <br>out using the Supply Chain Operation Reference (SCOR) method. The results of this study contained 5 attributes and 54 indicators obtained from the company which then calculated the actual value then carried out the weighting by giving a level of importance <br>questionnaire then normalizing the snorm de boer to equate the metric values used as measurement indicators. Performance attribute values obtained reliability 64.163 (average), responsiveness 80.833(good), agility 58.163(average), cost 73.021(good), and social 100(excellent). Proposed improvements are made to the attributes that have low performance, namely the attributes of reliability and agility</p> I Gusti Gede Bagus Anom Juliana Putra, Anak Agung Istri Agung Sri Komaladewi, Desak Ayu Sista Dewi, I Gusti Ngurah Priambadi, Mia Juliana, Bryan Estavan Imanuel Sitanggang Copyright (c) 2023 2023-08-10 2023-08-10 1 01, Agustus 29 34